…..she’s right again!

So, this afternoon I go and pick up my wife, Carrie at Target where her friend Naty dropped her off from their morning out together. We grab a few things and leave. As we are driving, Carrie is filling me in about some things her and Naty were talking about. Naty is a writer. She just released her second book. Carrie was telling me about some things Naty suggested I do. As a speaker, trainer, and coach I need to bring more exposure to myself. My wife has been telling me I need to Blog and tweet more. Of course this topic came up again as well as hashtags etc. I got a little upset at Carrie for hounding me about this yet again. I told her that I am not really a writer that I am a speaker and I don’t know what to Blog about, blah, blah, blah. Carrie then tells me that she doesn’t think I don’t Blog or Tweet because I can’t write, but because I don’t think or feel that I have anything worth while to say. I continue to listen to her as she’s analyzing the situation and me. I don’t say a word, I just listen. Was she right, I was thinking to myself? As the MAN ON PURPOSE founder do I have something to say? Am I worried whether I will be heard or not? As I am thinking these things, Carrie is going on and on about how I do have a whole lot to say. That what I have to say will be valued even if by only one man. It takes only one man at a time to build a ministry. She reminded me of how I want to reach hundreds, thousands, and even millions of men with the vision of MAN ON PURPOSE. I can’t reach men if I don’t step up and use the tools available to reach those multitudes of men. One of the tools available is what I’m doing now: “BLOGGING”. 

So, I hope to do more Blogs through out the week, inviting you into my life. Sharing some of the many things God has me doing as I continue to prepare for the MAN ON PURPOSE event on August 4, 2012. I can’t wait to see where this new endeavor is going to take me and I hope to add value to your lives as I pour myself into you.


God Bless!!!